With the state-wide funding program RKP – Regional Culture Program NRW, the Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia supports art and culture in the ten cultural regions. The focus is particularly on cooperation and networking projects. The RKP’s main objectives are to promote culture at its peak and across the board and to make it accessible to local citizens, to ensure cultural participation in the sense of lifelong cultural education and an open, sustainable dialog and to increase the external perception of art and culture in the regions.
Web design shows the diversity of the funding program
To mark its 25th anniversary in 2022, the funding program has received a new name and a new word/image brand. Based on this, the Yip Yips developed a new corporate design and a new website on behalf of Münsterland e. V. and in consultation with the Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia and the representatives of the regional cultural offices.