Die medizinische Illustration stellt das Vorlegen von Kathetern bei der Pulmonalen Endarteriektomie (PEA) dar. Die Katheter werden in die Vena Cava und die Aorta eingeführt um sie anschließend an die Herz-Lungen-Maschine anzuschließen.

Medical Illustration


Who is medical illustration intended for?

Medical illustration – the areas of application are diverse. They are created for patient education, medical professionals, pupils and students.

Medical drawing is increasingly finding its way into the digital world. They are used in e-learning for students and professionals, on medical practice websites and in apps and educational games. Medical illustration is a sub-area of scientific illustration. We would be happy to advise you comprehensively on our services in this area.

Scientific illustrations as teaching material in the healthcare sector

In research and teaching, medical and anatomical drawings help to document and illustrate biological or chemical processes or treatment methods.
Here, too, the essential aspects of complex issues are often emphasized to simplify understanding for the learner. Medical illustrations can be seen as an interface between art and science. Unlike photographs, drawings can not only make invisible things visible – they can also present them aesthetically.

Medizinische Illustration der Organe des Abdomen, digital coloriert

Making medical technology applicable

When new healthcare products are launched on the market, the correct use needs to be ensured from the very beginning. With the help of medical illustrations, the correct use can be demonstrated to the user and the application in the anatomical environment can be clarified. Skillful design sets the scene for technical facts. In This way, they not only convey pure information but also arouse interest and enthusiasm.

Example from the portfolio: Microsurgical procedure to isolate a piece of intestine in a rat, medical illustration as infographic
Example from the portfolio: Microsurgical procedure to isolate a piece of intestine in a rat, medical illustration as infographic

Educating patients and creating trust

Medical illustrations are often provided to patients. The drawings help the patient in the following situations:

  • Gaining confidence in an unfamiliar situation
  • Better understanding of an unknown issue
  • Building trust with a new doctor or therapist
  • Building trust in a new medication

Patients usually have little medical knowledge. Medical illustrations help to convey an understanding of complex medical procedures and treatment methods through simplified presentation or by focusing on the key factors. Aesthetic images and graphics can prevent patients’ fears and present complex treatment methods in a simple and straightforward way.


Packaging design is more important in the healthcare industry than in any other sector. Information must be accessible to customers, doctors and pharmacists at a glance.

Medical illustrations can help to summarize important information at a glance and present the product in an appealing way. They are also suitable for use in package inserts, flyers and other advertising material.

The style of illustration ranges from medical, factual and restrained to original and playful for health products in general. Medical illustrations offer real added value for your packaging design, help with understanding and showcase your products in an original and eye-catching way.

Beispiel für ein Packaging für ein Medizinprodukt mit medizinischen Illustrationen


A medical drawing can be created in different styles and with various techniques.

  • Hand-drawn pencil sketches (known from classical anatomical drawings)
  • Paintings
  • Electronic or computer-aided design methods (bridge the gap to the latest technologies such as VR or AR)

Styles and techniques are chosen in a way that best conveys the information to your target group.

A medical drawing is created in close cooperation with the customer. In an initial meeting, we discuss the facts to be depicted and the area of application of your desired illustration. The types of illustrations are as diverse as your applications. We therefore also discuss the desired style – whether simple, schematic or naturalistic.

Example of the creation process for a medical illustration
Example of the creation process for a medical illustration

Based on the initial consultations, a first draft is created, which is often done as a pencil sketch.

In this step, it is particularly important to define the core message of the medical drawing and to reproduce it anatomically correctly. The feedback of the medical specialist is essential to depict the facts correctly.

Our medical illustrator is specially trained to provide you with expert advice. Her basic anatomical knowledge forms the basis for successful communication.

Sometimes it is necessary to observe a special operation or dissection on site. Here as well, our illustrator’s experience enables her to work in the operating theater, including preparation and follow-up.

Pencil sketch next to the finished medical illustration
Pencil sketch next to the finished medical illustration

You can find a selection of
medical drawings in various styles in our portfolio.

Once the conceptual work has been completed, the next step is the final implementation of the illustration in the preferred style.

The possibilities range from pencil drawings and watercolors to digital techniques such as clear vector graphics and colored digital drawings.

The style and level of detail of the illustration depend on the individual requirements of the subject matter and are determined before the start of the design process. A medical drawing is stylistically diverse and therefore fits into any project.

Das Pfortadersystem der Ratte: Inforgrafik über die Anatomie und Funktionsweise der Pfortader bei der Ratte - Mockup

Medical illustration for pharmaceutical companies and medical technology

You want to launch a new product on the market or are planning your stand for the next trade fair? Here too, illustrations can be used on packaging, banners, counters or in informative videos.

Photos are often not enough to present complex information in a concise way that can be grasped at a glance. In this case, an illustration is the perfect medium for organizing, summarizing and highlighting information.

If you want to successfully present your new product at the next trade fair, contact us! We support you in the planning and realization of your concept.

Let us advise you! Contact
us for a free initial consultation.

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