Wissenschaftliche Illustrationen der Yip Yips Agentur Aachen

Technical Illustration


What is technical illustration?

The term technical illustration covers a wide range of visualizations. For example, the drawing and design of machine systems, the visualization of analysis data or the design of user manuals.

However, illustration does not only allow the representation of machines, but makes processes and functions visible, which opens up a wide range of possible applications. Technical illustrations can be used as graphics on websites, in information brochures and for presentations at trade fairs, to name a few.

Why technical illustration?

Technical processes are often complicated and need to be presented clearly to ensure they can be interpreted correctly by both non-experts and non-professionals. Complex processes must be simplified to get the core message across correctly.

For this reason, illustrations explain, simplify and visualize and therefore can convey the desired message. These illustrations are particularly suitable for end customers to understand and operate complicated technical devices.

We achieve the desired effect here through a variety of stylistic means. Color coding, lettering and labeling make the illustration clear and easy to read. A balanced layout promotes understanding and guides the customer through the facts presented.

Who are our clients?

We create technical illustrations for:

  • Mechanical engineering companies
  • the automotive industry
  • Research institutions
  • Medical technology companies
  • Pharmaceutical companies
  • End customers
  • and many more.

Let us advise you! Contact
us for a free initial consultation.


Often a static image is not sufficient to illustrate a process, a certain movement or a chronological sequence. In this case, we offer technical animations that can be used in addition to or as an alternative to illustrations and infographics. Our style ranges from schematic 2D to complex 3D animations. Contact us and we will advise you on your customized technical animation.
Animation - Detailansicht der Animation für das cellEQ Dilatometer. Dargestellt werden die verschiedenen Funktionen der Tagesbehälter.
Animation - Detailansicht der Animation für das cellEQ Dilatometer. Hier sieht man die Funktionsweise der Messzelle und den ausgehärteten Probekörper.
Animation - Detailansicht der Animation für das cellEQ Dilatometer. Hier sieht man die Funktionsweise der Mischzelle.


Do you have technical data that you would like to use on your website or in your presentation?

Together we will work out how we can match your analysis data with your corporate identity – without altering the data, of course.

And of course, technical data can also be animated and linked to illustrations.

Graph zu den Ausgabedaten des cellEQ Dilatometers zur Ergänzung der Animation. Hier sieht man im Detail den direkten Vergleich eines konventionellen Dilatometers mit dem cellEQ Dilatometer und die Vorteile dessen.
Graph zu den Ausgabedaten des cellEQ Dilatometers zur Ergänzung der Animation. Dargestellt sind hier die diskreten Schwindungsdaten.
Graph zu den Ausgabedaten des cellEQ Dilatometers zur Ergänzung der Animation. Dargestellt ist das Schwindungsverhalten unter verschiedenem Analysedruck.


Stand out from the crowd with personalized infographics!

We use infographics to explain your product or present your data. An infographic offers many opportunities to present content in an aesthetic and informative way. A good design promotes readability and conveys complex information clearly and appealingly.

Ranging from different types of diagrams to sectional drawings, maps or timelines – technical information doesn’t have to be dry!

Of course, infographics can also be animated to illustrate a fact even more clearly. You can see an example of this in the animation here, which shows the different layers of a textile product very clearly.

Gifographic (Animierte Infografik) - Produktbeschreibung & Inhaltsstoffe | Minoumi - designed cat toys | Yip Yips Agentur für Design und Digitalisierung Aachen
Monday Faultier Graphik mit Daten zu den Instagram Views im Wochenverlauf und Peaks an Montagen
Here you can see further examples. In this case without animation
Illustrative Darstellung des Querschnitts und der Layer einer Steppdecke mit Beschriftung als Beispiel von technischer Illustration


What does a price calculation for a technical illustration project look like? Which technical and content-related aspects should be considered before commissioning? Here you can find out more about this topic using some sample calculations from the fields of medicine and technology and find out about the procedure before commissioning a project.
Icons eines Krans, einer Lunge, eines technischen Gerätes und eines Gehirns als Darstellung des Leistungsspektrum der Yip Yips Agentur im Bereich technische und wissenschaftliche Illustrationen

Contact us now for a free initial consultation.

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Do not hesitate to contact us! We look forward to hearing from you.


+49 (0)241 89 43 59 – 0

Philipsstraße 2
52068 Aachen

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